These ATC's by Tina are just GORGEOUS - they are made using the
Paperbag Studios Home sheet- the colours and designs are all just stunning and each one has so much detail.
Queen of the night - by Tina Hatchman

Hand in Hand - by Tina Hatchman
Escape - by Tina Hatchman
I so love that holding hands stamp, i really must use it more lol, great samples to inspire us all xx
Oh the holding hands one is my favourite too, very nice as always, lots of inspiration you always manage to create such captivating work. Thanks for sharing, Jaqi
I can't believe how many fabulous works of art you have on your blog! I come back after a couple of days and there is so much to see! You have some fantastic stamps in the shop Karen...SO tempting. Keep up the good work!
love Linda xx
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